For years, I was on the hunt for a natural deodorant after learning about all the harmful ingredients in over the counter ones (aluminum can cause breast cancer in both men and women and it can affect your hormones). Most deodorants also contain Parabens, Aluminum, Triclosan, Phthalates and mystery fragrances.
When I first became interested in natural deodorants, the only ones available at the time were the crystal ones or Tom’s Natural which I had a bad reaction too. So I began making my own deodorant and used that for years until my body became immune to it. Making your own is actually very simple and only requires a few ingredients.
As people and companies became more aware of just how bad most deodorants are, companies started popping up everywhere with their natural deodorants and trust me… I feel like I tried them all…. Tom’s, Kopari, Native etc. They just didn’t quite work the way I expected them to.
That is until I discovered Primally Pure. This is hands down the best one I have tried and I’ve now been using it for 2 years. It glides on smooth, doesn’t cause the “detoxing” rash, smells amazing and keeps you dry. I have 3 of them just because I like to change the scents 🙂
Now, I always like to try new products and compare… I just ordered a new deodorant from Puracy so I will let you know how that one works after I give it a chance.