Deviled Eggs


Deviled eggs seem like such a simple recipe but I add a little twist to mine so I thought I would share my little secret. To quote my dad “these are the best darn deviled eggs I’ve ever had and I’ve never liked them in the past.” What makes mine different is the paprika. I use smoked paprika instead of the normal sweet paprika. It adds such a unique flavor that has people going back for seconds, thirds, etc until they are all gone. So dad, this one is for you since you keep asking me for the recipe 🙂


  • 6 hard boiled eggs (yields 12 halves – sometimes I use 8 eggs in case any turn out “ugly”)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp yellow mustard
  • 1 tsp white distilled vinegar
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  • Smoked Paprika for garnish


  • Fill a pot 2/3 full of water and add 1 tsp baking soda (this makes it easy to peel the shells off the egg)
  • Bring water to a boil.  Place egg on a slotted spoon and place carefully into the water.
  • Boil for 15 minutes.
  • Once eggs have cooked for 15 minutes, place the pot in the sink and run cold water on the eggs for 1 minute or until the water in the pot feels cool. Let eggs rest for 2 minutes.
  • To peel the eggs, smash one side of the egg and roll it away from you cracking around the entire center of the egg.  Start peeling from where the shell is cracked.  It should be able to break away easily. Rinse eggs and cut in half.
  • Carefully remove the yolks. Place the yolks in a bowl and mash with a fork.
  • Add mayonnaise, yellow mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper. Continue mixing and mashing with a fork until smooth and creamy. Taste the mixture and add more salt and pepper if desired.
  • Scoop mixture into a ziplock bag and cut a small hole in the bottom corner. This allows you to fill the eggs without the eggs getting messy.
  • Sprinkle with Smoked Paprika for a garnish. Store in an airtight container or on a plate wrapped in plastic wrap in the refrigerator.

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